The Paraty House Brazil 1

paraty house

No better place than the Brazilian Paraty House to enjoy a stunning exotic environment. Location spotted on the Costa Verde of Rio de Janeiro.

Studio MK27 has designed the award winninng house. Marcio Kogan, owner & architect at Studio MK27 managed to seclude the impressive building inside a natural cove, only accessable by boat. The building is not more than two 27 meters wide boxes, stacked one upon another. He created an architectal interpretation based on simple and straight shapes, beautiful lines and huge ceilings. And have a look at all the 20th century design icons in the house.

Daydreaming has just started... what about a one-way-ticket mister Kogan? We will take care of the house with a Paraty state of mind.


Architect: Marcio Kogan - Studio MK27,

Photos by Nelson Kon



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