-- artsy fartsy fancy schmancy --

hotel BLOOM!

Recently it was time for some Artsy, Fartsy, Fancy, Schmansy goodness in Brussels. Discovering Hotel BLOOM! A fresh design hotel where no two rooms are alike. A real treatment for mind, body & sleep!

If you're up for quite a personal style, Hotel BLOOM! is there to discover. Bright rooms welcome each one of us with unique hand-painted 'drawings' by a lovely group of European artists. And for now there's even more to discover. Together with Warsteiner Hotel BLOOM! has set up the unique Warsteiner Art Space in collaboration with the Amsterdam TonTon Club. While staying at Hotel BLOOM! we could discover the splendid Blacklight Airhockey Room (B.A.R.) with great typographics by Dutch designer Pieter Ceizer.

No doubt this hotel is ideal for a well-needed and deserved escape in time. Combining interior, art & creative initiatives with the vibrant night life of Brussels! Go and discover the goodness!


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